Monday, 12 December 2016

An Elephant Never Forgets

Elephants are the largest mammal on earth. They also experience a variety of emotions and express a number of behaviour patterns. Elephants have been observed grieving over dead herd members. They also have amazing memories.

When living in the wild, an elephant’s good memory is essential for its survival. The proof for the existence of elephant’s strong memories is when a herd meets an elephant they do not recognize they form a defensive structure to protect themselves. Scientists believe that this shows that elephants have amazing recall abilities for faces. Many elephants have shown that they recognise themselves in reflective surfaces, a trait which is rarely found in mammals.

As with any animal, their intelligence cannot be measured in a comparable from such as IQ’s. Most scientists agree that elephants are among the smartest animals on the planet both on emotional level and generally. Their survival instinct is very strong and they live in herds with a female leader as most male elephants leave the herd to reproduce.

The phrase “an elephant never forgets is of course an exaggeration but it is not actually too far from the truth.
There's more going on up there than meets the eye.

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